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The Democracy and Workers’ Rights Center implements a workshop to discuss occupational safety and health at work

The Democracy and Workers’ Rights Center implemented on 28/08/2023, a workshop in Ramallah to discuss issues related to occupational safety and health with the participation of 18 union representatives. During the workshop participants discussed conditions and mechanisms to achieve a safe work environment, and ensured the important role of trade union representatives in negotiating with employers to provide OSH tolls and equipment to workers in different work sectors. Not forgetting to mention the importance of raising awareness among workers about complying with OSH tools and equipment. Participants also discussed the importance of forming OSH committees at work and the need to play a role in monitoring the application of safety procedures at work. They also recommended the need to highlight violations related to OSH at work, and the provision of tools and equipment, improve communication with relevant bodies including the civil defense and the Red Crescent, and conducting dialogue with employers about the need to provide insurance against work injuries to workers.

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